Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Chocolate fixes everything...

Started my day with a delicious double chocolate cake doughnut (less fat than glazed haha), and a small coffee w/ FF milk...still a gazillion empty calories there but, I felt healthy as I was eating it :P

That kept me full for about 4 hours...went for a Red Velvet yogurt...but, as I turned on TV I saw they were still talking about how Auburn beat Oregon...I needed something stronger...tossed the yogurt back in the fridge and grabbed a chocolate-dipped granola bar...granola is healthy, right? :)

Then, to conclude my day, Aaron and I had steaks w/ green beans, baked beans, garlic bread and sauteed mushrooms. Followed by...homemade chocolate chip cookies. AND seeing as how Aaron is already in bed reading a book @ barely 6pm...Momma might have some of that yummy chocolate wine just to conclude my Chocolate Day of Happiness :)

Still bitter about last night's game. Still not ready to speak of it. Thanks for reading :)


  1. Haha.. Nice. I am not a big chocolate fan, so I'll leave all that chocolate worship to you.


  2. Trust me, I wish I didn't like chocolate this much AND that it didn't like my ass this much, too. Haha.
