Monday, January 31, 2011

This is the end, beautiful friend...

This is the final day of January which also signifies the final day of my "blogging everyday in January" challenge to myself. I did it :) It was actually much harder than I thought. It was fun 95% of the time but, on nights/days I wasn't feeling it for whatever reason...I really would have rather used that time reading, relaxing, etc. But, I was always happy after I wrote something because I didn't quit. And I knew I'd be a little less proud if I missed a day or two. Yes, a very small accomplishment but, an accomplishment, nonetheless :)

Watching the Bachelor...getting angry. There's a good chance I might shoot off an annoyed post-show rant...we shall see. Thank you for reading...I am still going to post in the new goal is to *try* to post 3-5 days a week. It will be nice to only blog on days I actually have something to share and not feel like I just have to fill space. Thanks for coming along for the ride :) Knowing this blog was being read made it a lot more fun and definitely encouraging.

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